Are You Attending #GLR15?
We hope to see you at this year’s Great Lakes Regional conference in Minneapolis! If you are planning to go, consider attending these great pre-conference Institutes listed below. The deadline for registration is March 25, 2015.
Also, they are looking for volunteers. If you’d like to help out, contact them at
“Music 4 Life®”
Judith Pinkerton, MT-BC/L and Becky Wellman, PhD, MT-BC/L
Learn about PTSD, addiction, and oncology case studies, Music Medicine Boot Camp™, iPodology™, marketing, personal development, assessment, and treatment processes. This training is a required pre-requisite to participate in the Music 4 Life®
Purchased Products that will be shipped physically to attendees include: The Sound of Healing book, MAPP MEE Self-Assessment, Stress Brake CD, MEE-Music Exercising Emotions Concert CD, MEE in the Key of Peace CD. Purchased Products that will be emailed to attendees include: Active & Passive Music Therapy Activities and MEE Study.
Registration Option #1
12 CMTEs (8 hours onsite class and 4 hours of homework; participants receive credit with an advisory status recognized by the National Nursing Advisory Board)
W 4:30-7:30pm & Th 7am-12pm & Th 12pm-1pm (post institute)
Minimum participants required: 25
Deadline for registration is March 16, 2015
Notes: 12 CMTE credit course for $306 of which includes 8 hrs classroom instruction with workbook, requiring 3 hrs pre-institute completion of reading one book and completing the assessment tool, and 1 hr post-institute. The full institute registration includes $90 of materials – four books and three CDs discounted from $152 online retail. (The Sound of Healing book, MAPP MEE Self-Assessment, Active & Passive Music Therapy Activities, MEE Study, Stress Brake CD, MEE-Music Exercising Emotions Concert CD, and MEE in the Key of Peace CD). Participants who complete the full institute fulfill the pre-requisite of Music Medicine Boot Camp and receive Music 4 Life® Music Medicine Specialist (MT-BC not required) status recognized by Music 4 Life, Inc. Music 4 Life® Music Medicine Specialist earns a $250 discount toward the Music 4 Life®Practitioner Training (MT-BC required) and becomes a member of the Music 4 Life® Specialist Network.
Registration Option #2
8 CMTEs (8 hours onsite class; no prerequisites and no Advisory status earned)
W 4:30pm-7:30pm & Th 7am-12pm
Minimum participants required: 25
Notes: 8 CMTE credit course for $144 which includes 8 hr classroom instruction with workbook. Participants completing the classroom instruction fulfill the pre-requisite of Music Medicine Boot Camp™ required to enroll in Music 4 Life® Music Medicine Specialist (MT-BC not required) or Practitioner Training (MT-BC required).
Wellness in Music Therapy: A Musical and Mindfulness-Based Approach
Barbara Dunn, PhD, LICSW, MT-BC & Jodi Winnwalker, LCSW, MT-BC
This Institute will include didactic and hands-on exploration of music therapy practice that addresses the mind, body, and spirit of the work. We will focus on musical and mindfulness-based care of self, clients, and your music therapy practice. Participants will gain knowledge of current research and application of (1) self-care and compassion, (2) use of self-care concepts in clinical work, and (3) business practices that promote health, wellness, and sustainability. Come prepared to be energized and inspired!
There are no pre-requisites. Instruments will be provided; you are also welcome to bring one of your own. Please wear comfortable clothing, as there will be opportunities for creative movement.
Th 8am-4pm
Minimum participants required: 20